If you concern about Rayinvr, you can probably find out there is a program named zplot. It's 20-years-old already, so you can never compile it successfully without modifying those codes.
I've been trying compiling zplot for 2 days, I failed on all Linux distributions. I tried to email to Dr. Zelt about the issue, and these are his reply:
As my web page clearly states, I do not help people install the code on their computers, since I don't know about such things. But have a look at the Linux patch on my rayinvr web page, maybe it will help you. http://terra.rice.edu/department/faculty/zelt/rayinvr.htmlMy reply is:
Hi Prof. Zelt, Thanks for your answer. I've read your pages three times, fully understood what are provided by the page, then asked your help. The linux patch wrote by Scott is to modify your fortran 77 code and Makefile, it works on rayinvr to make sure the syntax can be recognized by f77/f2c compiler in modern Linux systems, and it doesn't help with zplot at all. I'm not a student nor a researcher, I'm just a linux admin and java programmer and try to help both seismic program authors and users. The more people know and use your program, the more feedback and fame you have. If a user can't even compile it, probably there is no future story. Last night I spent three hours to check the error messages from f77 in all linux distributions, I'm not a f77 expert but I knew it due to the syntax of codes, and I don't understand fortran at all. Just hope if Dr. Scott and you would help us through this if you are available. Thankyou.And his reply was pretty powerful:
Sorry, I've already told you I don't know how to help you, and I don't have the time. I do not know much about fortran compilers or makefiles. This code has been available for 20 years, I am not concerned about its future. My suggestion is to google search for other rayinvr users, and ask them for help. Good luck.
So give up! Don't waste your time on it. Zplot's already dead since the author gave it up.
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